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Tietoevry provides software solutions designed to optimize business operations for industries like banking, healthcare, and public sectors. With a focus on digital transformation and efficiency.

Tietoevry Banking
Endre Rangnes

Managing Director, Tietoevry Banking

Tietoevry Care
Ari Järvelä

Managing Director, Tietoevry Care

Tietoevry Industry
Carsten Henke

Managing Director, Tietoevry Industry

In the spotlight

How to learn AI in a quick, easy and fun way?

Tietoevry Care experts wanted to increase AI competence within the consulting teams. What could be a better way to learn from coworkers.

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Discussion on the role of central infrastructures in open banking governance

Join us for a discussion delving into the realm of API banking governance, featuring insights from Tietoevry Banking's payment experts

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Finnish research team pioneers machine learning in the early identification of rare diseases

Getting the diagnosis right often takes many years of doctors’ visits and several misdiagnoses.

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Tap into the power of mobile devices

More SME merchants are turning to electronic payment: We need a new acceptance solution.

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Top 5 ways to being a better energy company

To excel in the future energy business, here's what you need to do

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Discover Tietoevry software solutions

Drive your business forward with Tietoevry software offerings.

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